Friday, March 4, 2011

Sa Pa, Vietnam, in photos

8:30am in Sa Pa. Heaven.
I could sit here forever watching the fog go in and out, 
but I would also constantly be asked to buy things!
Lots of photos of this church!
For Nate.

My 4 minute boyfriend.
And the clouds come in, and the clouds go out...
Ok, yes, sure, I started weeping from happiness.
I wanted Sa Pa to restore my good feelings about Vietnam, and it did.
It really doesn't take much, just a beautiful view and nice people.

I make my dreams come true. I have wanted to go here for years!
Terraced rice fields. I cant wait to come back here in the summer (one day..soon..)

Oh, hey Rebecca! She stayed a night with me!
I will say that these women look awesome in those head scarves but tourists like like hipster scum, so annoying.

It was too cold for a body massage so we got foot massages.
Mine was great, but I think the lady doing Bec's feet was more interested in her cellphone.
Decisions, decisions. It was a good one!

Movie set for:

Clouds = magic.
The Britney table at my guesthouse.

On my last night in Sa Pa (second to last night in Vietnam), I took myself out to a romantic dinner to celebrate the next phase of my journey in which I am traveling alone. It has been 4 months in the making, but finally I can dance around naked in my room at night while watching HBO movies.
And now, only because I have very little shame, I will share with you one photo of the absolute ridiculous fashion show I put on for Rebecca (bless her heart). See, I like skirts and I guess after 4 months of travel I have been itching for new clothes? I don't know. I am not planning on wearing these things until I am back home. But I felt so ridiculous. I also bought a blanket. So here I am, in all my glory...

1 comment:

  1. How did you get up the mountain next to the city? I probably missed the sign because of to much fog :D

    But very nice pics, especially the ones inside the city are much better than mine.
