Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mui Ne, in photos

Flowers at the bus station near Mui Ne ('ne' like the n-e in 'nest')
Tet Celebrations
Acrobatic boys are here.
Mui Ne or the street near Mui Ne is Russia center. Let's go to bar 'hard stem', guys...

Red Sand Dunes! The reason Mui Ne is worth it!
Most of you sled in the snow this winter, I sled in the sand.

You can only surf so far on sand...
Makin' friends all over the place!
Surfin', get in touch with baby Dasha.
Why is there sand EVERYWHERE???
What is a day in the life without sunsets.
Young love.
South China Sea.
Who's ridin' this motorbike bitches?...I was quickly kicked off
(even though I rocked it. No doubt.) because the MAN needed to drive.
I mean, look how displeased he looks. Men.
Chinese cemetery.
White sand dunes

Walking the grade.
Ok. I did not actually ride the bike on the sand. The man did. Whatever. This photo is still awesome.
Swimming in the South China Sea.
Making friends everywhere I go.
Sand angel. This one's for you: Anna K, Helen.
Three Germans and a Russian jumping face first into sand.
Sunsets. Forever.

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