Saturday, March 12, 2011

A note on pronounciation...

In Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia if you see 'ph' pronounce it as 'p'.
       ex: Phnom Penh is not Fnom Pen, but Pnom Pen.
       ex 2: Koh Phi Phi off the western coast of Thailand is not Fee Fee or Fie Fie but Pee Pee. But we already had that lesson already.

In Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia if you see 'th' pronounce it as 't'.
      ex: Luang Nam Tha is Luang Nam Ta.
      ex 2: Sukhotthai is not Soo-hot-thigh, but Soo-ko-tai.

In Vietnam, if you see 'th' or 'ph', well then you just pronounce it the way you're used to in English.
      ex: Can Tho is Can Tho.

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